School Lunch Program

Center for Advanced Learning Public Charter School participates in the federally assisted National School Lunch Program. This program provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. A School Breakfast Program is offered as well. 
School Nutrition Plus, our food service vendor, has been providing your child with freshly-prepared, healthy meals every day. Additional information about these programs is available to our enrolled students, and menus are updated regularly on our daily menu calendar shown below.
Non-fat and 1% milk are available at each meal. 100% juice and fruit are offered for breakfast and fresh fruits and veggies are served with lunch. Milk or juice is also provided with each snack.
Note: Food menus subject to change. Vegetarian menu options are available. Parents must request vegetarian menu in advance.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. For the full USDA Nondiscrimination Statement, click here.
April Menu
Lunch Program News: